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The forest was here long before us
The disappearance of forests is a global problem that can lead to the disappearance of humanity.
Imagine how terrible a world would be without trees
7 300 000
Now this is a record low level of forest cover around the world
A hectare of forest is an annual loss according to the United Nations
every minute
36 football fields
this is equal to
A hectare of forests is cut down and burned daily
A growing threat to the all nature
Forests are home to millions of wild animals around the world.
These birds nest only in "remote, wild areas of the forest on"tall ancient trees, to which they can return for"40 years! Due to the deforestation of wild forests, eagles are displaced from their native nesting sites, which leads to the death of clutches and chicks.
Forest deer in most of the Russian North is close to extinction — In the Arkhangelsk region over the last 30 years, the deer population has decreased from 17 to 1.5 thousand. One of the "main reasons" is the reduction of suitable habitats as a result of industrial logging of taiga forests.
northern deer
An important stage in the life cycle of Atlantic salmon is associated with rivers flowing through forests. It is in the "clean forest reservoirs" that salmon comes to spawn, where the young spend the first 2−3 years. Deforestation leads to shallowing of rivers, turbidity of water and endangers the salmon population.
The smallest elephant of the subspecies of Asian elephants, of which there are about 1,500 left in Borneo. Due to the significant expansion of palm oil plantations, their habitat is in constant distress. As the area of forests is constantly shrinking, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find food sources and shelters.
dwarf elephant
Due to deforestation, chimpanzees have already disappeared from four countries: Gambia, Burkina Faso, Togo and Benin. In the early 1900s, it was estimated that more than 1 million chimpanzees roamed the Earth. To date, there are only 172,000-300,000 chimpanzees left, which classifies them as an endangered species.
In Indonesia, the Sumatran tiger population numbers less than 400 individuals. The population of West African lions is estimated at just over 400 individuals. And the Far Eastern leopard has only 80 individuals left in the wild. Deforestation is the main reason why all of them are endangered.
Big Cats
Spends the winter in Mexico, and summer — in Canada and USA. Due to deforestation due to the growth of cities inIn Mexico, their habitat is increasingly at risk. A recent study conducted in Mexico, showed a decrease in the population by 53% compared to the previous season.
Monarch Butterfly
Did you know that a panda needs to eat from 24 to 84 pounds of bamboo a day? Due to the growing loss of forests in southwest China, pandas are finding it difficult to find new sources of bamboo and potential partners to help restore the population of their species.
Today it can be found only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Their habitat continues to decline due to deforestation. There are 80 Sumatran rhinos left on Earth. Due to the extremely low population, it is difficult for them to find a breeding partner. Only two females in captivity have successfully bred in the last 15 years.
species of plants, animals and insects.
species per year that are lost forever.
Habitat destruction leads to extinction every day
The list can be continued indefinitely
50 000
Save the animals
They store it in their trunks and leaves. Cutting down trees leads to the release of gases back into the atmosphere. This contributes to the greenhouse effect and the acceleration of climate change.
The forest is the lungs of our planet
Trees absorb a huge amount of harmful greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which a person emits later in his life.
Someone is thinking now:
"I have nothing to do with it, these are all big industrial corporations,"
but each of us is responsible.
We travel by transport, which emits a lot of exhaust gases.
We consume an excessive amount of electricity every day.
We consume food products every day, the production of which contributes to the destruction of the atmosphere
We consume food products every day, the production of which contributes to the destruction of the atmosphere
5.2 tons of CO2
How much does 1 person on average emit carbon dioxide per year?
3.7 tons of CO2
10.2 tons of CO2
5.2 tons of CO2
10 tons of CO2
South America
5.2 tons of CO2
5.2 tons of CO2
How much does 1 person on average emit carbon dioxide per year?
3.7 tons of CO2
10.2 tons of CO2
5.2 tons of CO2
10 tons of CO2
South America
5.2 tons of CO2
7 920 000 000
the population of the planet today
31 680 000 000 ha
forests need to absorb the emissions of the entire population
on average, one person emits carbon dioxide per year.
forests need to absorb 10 tons of carbon dioxide.
7 920 000 000
the population of the planet today
31 680 000 000 ha
forests need to absorb the emissions of the entire population
on average, one person emits carbon dioxide per year.
forests need to absorb 10 tons of carbon dioxide.
everything is connected
Scientists from China, Germany, Sweden and Israel came to the conclusion that the disappearance of forests in one place causes changes that "ricochet" and "change the climate in another.
The melting of glaciers increases the level of the world's oceans, which will eventually affect the climate around the globe.
how can I help?
The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is causing warming in Tibet and over West Antarctica.
And an increase in temperature over West Antarctica will lead to the melting of Antarctica's glaciers.
What drives humanity
Canada, Alberta
Since the 60s of the last century, oil companies have been cutting down forests for the extraction of oil sands.
Once beautiful woodlands, now look like "Mordor" from the Lord of the Rings.
There are only 3 regions left in the world with tropical forests
In Indonesia
for palm oil
in order to plant plantations
set fire to forests
Palm oil is included in cooking fat, semi-finished products, cosmetics and detergents
Palm oil is included in cooking fat, semi-finished products, cosmetics and detergents
Russia, Western Siberia
Due to the growth of mining, most of the Taiga territory is being destroyed.
Siberia leads not only in oil and gas production, but also in the area of oil spills, where all living things die.
production of beef
One of the main reasons for deforestation in Brazil and the USA is cattle breeding.
the territory of the USA is used for the needs of food production
these lands are lands where cattle feed is grown
Why are we
destroying the forest
why are we destroying the forest
Forest fires
all forest fires are caused by humans: arson, garbage burning, bonfires and fireworks.
There are wild forests left on the planet
I want to help
Celebrities who are struggling with the problem
Leonardo DiCaprio
He is rightfully considered a "green revolutionary". By his example, he inspires many people to protect the Planet.
He makes documentaries to draw attention to environmental problems in the world
"The Eleventh hour" 2007
"Save the Planet" 2016
"Ice on fire" 2019
He makes documentaries to draw attention to environmental problems in the world
"The Eleventh hour" 2007
"Save the Planet" 2016
"Ice on fire" 2019
Nikolai Drozdov
A popular presenter of programs dedicated to wildlife. Participates in environmental protection campaigns and projects: Greenpeace, WWF, Khimki Forest, Lake Baikal, Earth Hour.
Elizabeth released a song titled "Burn, Burn, Burn" in 2019 about the fires in Siberia. All the funds received from listening to this track were used to fight Greenpeace fires.
Cameron Diaz
The actress raised environmental issues back in 2005. She gave up "natural fur, moved to a"car with a"hybrid engine, regularly donates to"reduce greenhouse gas emissions, fights"deforestation.
Help with celebrities
Everyone can
you just need
to the salvation of
our planet
To give up excessive energy consumption in everyday life. Switch to energy-saving light bulbs. Install solar panels and wind generators in private homes.
Reduce the consumption of beef in your diet. For example, chicken production requires 80% less land.
To reduce the consumption of products containing palm oil to the maximum. This destroys not only the forests of Indonesia, but also your health.
Participate in "forest planting campaigns" and "become volunteers.
Draw public attention to this problem. Tell your family and friends about it, share it on social networks.
Take care of nature, do not leave garbage, do not light fires in the forest.
Stocks and Relief Funds
to the website
The Wildlife Fund's website presents projects to raise funds. You can get acquainted with the existing problems in detail and donate any amount of money.
national geographic
Your contribution will go to supporting wildlife, protecting the ocean and preserving our heritage for future generations.
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On the site you can donate not only any amount of money, but also become a volunteer.
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The site is made for educational non-commercial purposes. All materials are taken from open sources.
Author of Longrid:
Anna nesterova